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  • It took me 12 months to find the 23 most lucrative income streams of a digital creator

It took me 12 months to find the 23 most lucrative income streams of a digital creator

You get them in 1 minute

Good morning AI Multipreneurs!

This week I show you the 23 paths to monetization as a digital creator, and the potential AI rules of US policymakers are explained.

Here we go.

This week’s lineup:

  • Automation Strategy: It Took Me 12 Months to Find the 23 Most Lucrative Income Streams of a Digital Creator

  • Latest News: The AI rules that US policymakers are considering, explained

  • Insightful Videos

  • Useful Tools

Read time: 7 minutes


It Took Me 12 Months to Find the 23 Most Lucrative Income Streams of a Digital Creator

You get them in 1 minute.

Source: Midjourney

As a digital creator, are you wondering how to monetize your content?

Maybe you’ve created an X account and found a niche you love, like AI.

You’re seeing your X follower count rise, and you’re ready to take the next step.

The problem is, you’re not sure how, and you feel a little lost.

Here’s how to approach monetizing your business, without getting overwhelmed.

I’ll give you the keys, you’ll need to open the door.

1. Remember, you need an audience, so you can solve their problems. Ask for their pain points through X posts, DM’s, and emails.

2. Solve their problem for them. Anyone can do this. Even you! Create a digital course, e-book, YouTube videos, Saas website, the list goes on and on. Create free content at first to find out what they love the most.

3. Experiment with those products to find the intersection of what you enjoy most and what people want. Everyone will have a unique combination that works best for them.

4. Remember, it’s only through action that you’ll be able to see the next step forward. Experience is the torch that guides your path.

5. After you have an audience and are solving their problems, then you can start flipping the switches of monetization on. As you grow your audience, and are building trust with them, the opportunities to monetize naturally arise.

Here are the 23 most lucrative income streams to unlock as a digital creator:

X (Twitter)

1. Ad revenue sharing

2. Paid subscribers

3. Payments/Coins/Stickers (coming soon)

4. Affiliate links

5. Sponsored posts


6. Sponsorships

7. Affiliate links

8. Paid newsletter

Digital Course

9. Sales on social media

10. Sales to your email list

11. Sales from ads

12. Organic sales from word of mouth, SEO, etc


13. 1 on 1 Calls

14. Hourly retainers

15. Cohorts and group coaching


16. Ad revenue sharing

17. Affiliate links

18. Sponsored content and brand deals

19. Channel memberships

20. Your product store

SaaS Website/App

21. Subscriptions

22. Ads

23. Product sales

I recently shared this list on X, follow me there for similar posts.


Source: Vox

Key Points:

  • The U.S. government is considering various AI policy measures, including new regulations addressing ethics, privacy, bias, copyright, and safety, with ideas ranging from pre-market approval to restricting access to AI hardware.

  • Proposals also include establishing new institutions such as a dedicated AI regulator, an international research center, or an oversight body, as well as expanding existing agencies, increasing R&D funding, and enhancing STEM education and high-skilled immigration to address AI expertise shortages.

Why it Matters:

The increasing attention to AI policy by the White House and Congress reflects the recognition of AI's growing influence on society and the economy, and these measures could shape the future direction of AI development, with implications for innovation, ethics, and global competitiveness.

Source: IBM

Key Points:

  • IBM and Hugging Face have announced that IBM's watsonx.ai geospatial foundation model, created from NASA's satellite data, will be available on Hugging Face, becoming the largest geospatial foundation model on the platform.

  • The model was trained jointly by IBM and NASA and has shown a 15 percent improvement over existing techniques using half the labeled data, with the potential to track deforestation, predict crop yields, and monitor greenhouse gases.

  • IBM's efforts are aligned with NASA's Open-Source Science Initiative and the declaration of 2023 as a Year of Open Science, emphasizing open collaboration and accessibility.

Why it Matters:

The collaboration between IBM and NASA to make the geospatial foundation model openly available on Hugging Face democratizes access to vital climate and Earth science data, advancing the possibilities for innovation and providing impactful solutions to enhance our understanding and care of the planet.

Source: Nvidia

Key Points:

  • NVIDIA's founder and CEO Jensen Huang will deliver a live keynote at SIGGRAPH, focusing on NVIDIA's latest breakthroughs such as award-winning research, OpenUSD developments, and AI-powered solutions for content creation.

  • NVIDIA has recently collaborated with Pixar, Adobe, Apple, and Autodesk to found the Alliance for OpenUSD, an initiative aimed at standardizing and extending the open-source Universal Scene Description framework for 3D graphics, design, and simulation.

Why it Matters:

The unveiling of NVIDIA's newest advancements and the formation of the Alliance for OpenUSD signal a major step in 3D graphics innovation and interoperability, reflecting the broader trend of technological growth and collaboration in AI and visual computing.



Cheat Layer introduces the pioneering no-code agents management platform, revolutionizing the way you handle agents without any coding hassle.

Durable, the AI-powered website generator, crafts stunning websites effortlessly, merging design and functionality seamlessly.

Microsoft Designer simplifies webpage generation with its intuitive interface, making the process of creating webpages a breeze.

Scenario brings AI-generated gaming assets to the table, enhancing your gaming experience with unprecedented visual elements.

Synthesia, the AI text-to-video tool, adds life to avatars by seamlessly translating text into videos with voice and speaking animations, pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling.


Have something captivating to share? Let's chat on X: @heystephenai

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